Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where has the week gone??

So my brother did a VBS post this week so I guess I will join him.  This week is VBS at my home church.  It is a blast but oh so much work.  For the past few years I have coordinated the opening skits and this year I have taken over the whole opening program.  I have not been the biggest fan of the curriculum that we have used the past few years but perhaps I can have some input next year.  Our theme this year is "God's Big Backyard".  It is a theme with potential and the kids seem to be having fun.  Our girls are really liking VBS.  I don't know what they will think next week where there is no more VBS to go to.  

Our mission Alaska team also does a hot dog lunch as a fundraiser at the end of VBS so between directing puppets and cooking hot dogs it has been a busy couple of days.  Not to mention that we had a flamingo triage set up today to fix a number of broken legs of our plastic gold mines.  These birds have brought in over $2200 so far!  If you are not sure what I am talking about you might want to scroll down and read the post about flamingos.  Anyway it was quite a site with over 30 plastic birds lying on the stage in the gym.  After about an hour they all got a clean bill of health and are off to infest more yards tonight.  

Our mission trip to Alaska is coming up soon as well.  We have been feverishly working on fundraising and we only need about $2000 more to make our goal.  We leave on July 11th and return home on the 20th.  It will be round two of VBS for many of us since that is the main thing we do in Alaska.  

Tomorrow is a court date for the girls.  We are cautiously optimistic that we may see the light at the end of the tunnel.  We ask for your prayers so that this long and drawn out procedure comes to a close and everything will be final.  I will keep you posted.

Well, I am going to cut it short tonight so good night and have a great week here in God's Big Backyard (sorry had a VBS flashback.......)

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 Every once in a while I like to jump over here to this old blog and relive old times.  It is fun to look back at the days before there were...